8 enriching activities for a valuable dopamine hit to help boost your mood

When you spend time on enjoyable activities, you’ll often feel satisfied due to the release of dopamine in your brain.

While you may think that dopamine only serves to give you a feel-good kick, its benefits extend beyond just giving you a moment of happiness.

Indeed, it’s a vital neurotransmitter that helps you regulate your mood, motivation, and even movement.

You could essentially see it as the driving force behind setting goals for your life, chasing ambitions, and feeling satisfaction when you achieve something.

Interestingly, research from University College London reveals that dopamine levels seem to decline naturally as you age – as much as 10% each decade.

This might explain why certain activities don’t seem as exciting over time, or why you need an extra push to feel motivated as you get older.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to give yourself a much-needed dopamine boost, so continue reading to discover eight ways to lift your mood naturally.

1. Have a “kindness kick”

As well as benefiting others around you, being kind can actually boost dopamine levels.

The British Psychological Society reveals that kindness affects both the giver and receiver as it increases positive biochemical responses in humans, all while lighting up the brain’s pleasure centre as a reward for being kind with a dopamine rush.

You don’t have to perform a grand gesture of kindness to benefit, either. Simply purchasing a co-worker a coffee, complementing someone’s outfit in the street, or sending a quick message to let a friend know you appreciate them could give you a dopamine kick.

Ultimately, these small acts of kindness can improve someone’s day, all while uplifting your own.

2. Spend more time with four-legged friends

It might come as no surprise that animals are a fantastic source of dopamine. According to Psychiatry UK, pets can increase dopamine and serotonin levels, and both parties experience a rise in oxytocin, another of the brain’s feel-good chemicals.

Better yet, pets can also benefit your physical health. Simply petting an animal, or even watching fish swim in a tank, can lower your heart rate and reduce blood pressure, helping you feel more relaxed.

So, if you have a pet, you may want to take some extra time to give them some affection or go for a longer walk.

Even if you don’t own one, spending time in a local park where friendly pooches might come up to you and say hello could give you a dopamine boost.

3. Make the most of the season

Another simple yet effective way to boost your dopamine levels is by fully embracing the season you’re in.

This is because each season brings its own unique pleasures – whether that’s the vibrant colours of autumn or the first flowers of spring.

A practical way to make the most of this is by visiting your local market and picking out fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables.

This could inspire you to create healthy meals, and the process of discovering what’s in season might even stimulate your brain’s reward system.

4. Try your hand at competitive sports

While you likely already know that physical activity is highly beneficial for your mental health, you may not have considered just how much competitive sports can give you a dopamine rush.

Indeed, focusing so intently on winning a game of sports could take you out of the moment entirely and leave you feeling mentally energised.

You don’t even need to win the game to feel the benefit, either, as simply striving to perform at your best and pushing your limits could give you a much-needed boost.

You’re also more likely to interact with others during competitive games, and this social aspect adds an extra layer of positivity.

5. Take time to focus on mindfulness in the morning

Mindfulness activities, such as meditation, can be a great way to improve your mental health, and they can also boost your dopamine levels.

This is because mindfulness can help you to tune out the present moment and reduce stress.

As such, you may want to take some time every morning to practise meditation to tune into the day ahead.

This routine doesn’t need to be complicated – simply sitting quietly and watching the morning unfold could settle your mind and help you prepare for the day.

6. Search your area for local gems

It’s understandably easy to fall into a routine and find that you visit the same coffee shops, eat at the same restaurants, or make purchases at the same shops.

While this comfort does have its place, it might be worth stepping outside of your comfort zone from time to time, as this surprise could trigger a dopamine release.

You could challenge yourself to explore new areas around you, whether that’s a hidden bookshop, quirky café, or even an unfamiliar walking trail, as this could offer a spark of excitement.

You may even want to “collect” these gems and share them with your friends and family, as watching them experience your newfound locations for the first time could give you another boost of happiness.

7. Start a new creative project

Creativity is another fantastic dopamine booster as it engages your brain’s reward system when you’re working on and then completing a task. This could include writing, knitting, or even gardening.

Ultimately, working on a creative project can bring a sense of progress and achievement, both of which trigger dopamine.

As such, choosing something you genuinely enjoy rather than something you “should” do is important.

8. Focus on the “six-month rule”

If you find that you often fixate on negative events or struggle to let go of small setbacks, the “six-month rule” might help.

This is when, in the face of the negative, you ask yourself, “Will this affect my quality of life six months from now?”

If the answer is “no”, you could reframe the entire situation and prevent yourself from spiralling into a negative mindset.

This mindset could allow your brain to break free from the cycle of stress and focus on more positive thoughts, giving you a subtle yet effective dopamine boost.

Get in touch

While we may not be able to help you boost dopamine levels, we can help you manage your finances so they’re one less thing to worry about.

Please email enquiries@alexanderpeter.com or give us a call on +44 1689 493455 to find out more.

Please note

This article is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

All information is correct at the time of writing and is subject to change in the future.

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