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Finding a Lost Pension
It is now possible to track down all of your old pensions
Not being able to find your pension is more common than you would think.
According to the Association of British Insurers in May 2020 over £19.4 billion pounds worth of pensions are still unclaimed just because of house moves.
On average people would have worked for 11 different employers, which makes it difficult to keep track of all of your pensions from old jobs.
A large number of people opted out of SERPS (Sate Earning Related Pension Scheme) in the 1980s or 1990s.
The good news is that it is now possible to track down all of your old pensions. You will need to have your UK National Insurance number and then click on the link below to the Government’s pension tracing service.
Once you have this information it's important to establish what your options are for this and indeed all of your pensions now that you have left the UK. British expats you have more exciting options and opportunities that are now open to you. For more information. Please read our what are my options article.